I rebel by loving more.
— yung pueblo

Photo: © Joel Sharpe

Growth isn’t linear. As we move through life we are pulled, pushed, poked, and prodded into new situations that often seem to be the exact opposite of what we’re hoping for. Relationships end, career paths change, friends move away - It’s almost as though we’ve stumbled into a life and a dream that belongs to someone else. Suddenly, the reality we’ve crafted for ourselves starts to feel uncomfortable. Are we growing in the right direction? Or are we moving towards something that feels like it no longer “fits?”  

I lived the wrong life for over ten years. Well, not the “wrong” life, per se – but a life that didn’t fit me properly. I worked in the very competitive, fast-paced art world of New York City, I wore high heels, and I drank lots of coffee every morning. I saw my career path neatly laid out in front of me, and I thought it would make me happy. Spoiler alert, it didn’t.

When I first started practicing yoga, I viewed it as part of my fitness routine. Let’s be honest: what made you start practicing? Were you searching for spiritual enlightenment? Probably not. Most people find yoga because they’re looking for a good workout, and I was no different. When I had time, I’d jump into a class and sweat it out. When I didn’t have time, yoga wasn’t a priority. As with all things in life, we are forced to make sacrifices, and I would often sacrifice yoga for my career. However, I always returned to yoga in times of stress or sadness, but we weren’t in a committed relationship. Until 2014, that is, when major life changes pulled me into my first 200-hour yoga teacher training. 

Shortly afterward, I was hit with a strange sense of clarity. The life that I had built was no longer mine. I realized that I was fighting for something that I no longer wanted. And so, I traded my heels for bare feet, quit my job, ended my relationship, left New York, and moved into a jungle bungalow in Costa Rica. As you can imagine, my family and friends were… surprised, to say the least. But with their support, I was able to deepen my practice, discover my true passion and calling and find the strength to share it with the world. Today I am a yoga educator with over 2,400 hours of guiding classes, an Integrative Therapist (MHC-LP), and a Souluna Life Coach. Helping others is an integral part of my life. I simply cannot imagine dedicating my heart and soul to anything else. 


I’ve created WanderFreely as a tool to help others work through their own personal sense of “rebranding.” Whether you’re feeling stuck, lost or simply like you aren’t yourself, this community is designed to help you reconnect with YOU. Through playful and inquisitive yoga education and dedicated coaching support, I aim to help you open the door to transformation. It doesn’t matter if we’re spending time one-on-one or in a group setting; I’ll work to find the building blocks that will make it possible for you to achieve lasting growth. Why? Because my mission is to inspire others to empower themselves for the sake of making the world a happier and healthier place.

Explore what makes you unique. By tapping into your power, you’ll discover what becomes possible when you make the decision to fully engage in life. WanderFreely is a place where you can unleash your passion, deepen your connections and grow with a global Kula that shares your sense of curiosity. Dig deep not only into the world around you, but the world within you, and you might just love what you find. 

With love, Nicole xo